Kids Will DO the Darndest Things

As kids, most of us can remember doing some pretty dumb things that seemed like a good idea at the time. In fact, I have a buddy who has a memory of one such “great” idea he had when he was 7 years old.

As kids can often be, he was curious about the flammability of a single piece of facial tissue. Much to his surprise, it was quite flammable. In fact, it burned a hole in his carpet before he was able to put out the fire. He placed a garbage can over the affected area, and wasn’t discovered for 2 years! That story is funny now, but it could have ended tragically.

Another thing kids will sometimes do is sneak off to the garage or shed to smoke cigarettes. Beyond the health hazards, any fumes from the fuel kept in those spaces can be ignited by cigarettes. Think about the various flammable liquids you keep in your storage spaces. The fumes can be just as dangerous as the liquid.

We say all of this to remind you to educate your children on fire safety. Kids will generally do better if we give them the proper information. Teach your children about fire prevention, and you’ll give them the proper tools to stay safe.

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